Winter Hair Care Tips: How to Keep Your Locks Healthy and Hydrated

The chilly winter weather has well and truly set in, which brings with it a new set of challenges for your hair. The cold air, low humidity, and indoor heating can all contribute to dryness, frizz, and overall hair damage. But fear not! We'll share some of the Mien teams essential winter hair care tips to help you keep your locks healthy, hydrated, and beautiful throughout the season. 

Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise

The cold, dry air can strip your hair of its natural moisture, leaving it dull and brittle. Combat this by incorporating moisturizing products into your hair care routine. Look for shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated for dry or damaged hair, and opt for deep conditioning treatments once or twice a week. When it comes to combating dry, brittle hair during the winter season, Aveda Dry Remedy Oil stands as an essential ally in your hair care routine. This nourishing and hydrating oil is specially formulated to replenish moisture, restore vitality, and transform your locks from dull to lustrous.

Adjust Your Washing Routine:

Frequent washing can strip away essential oils from your hair, exacerbating the dryness. During winter, try to extend the time between washes and opt for lukewarm water instead of hot water, as hot water can be drying. 

Hydrate from Within

Healthy hair starts from the inside out. Make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. This helps to keep your hair and scalp moisturised, promoting overall hair health.

Limit Heat Styling

While it's tempting to use heat styling tools to tame your hair in winter, excessive heat can further dehydrate your strands. Try embracing your natural texture more often and give your hair a break from heat styling. If you do need to use heat, always apply a heat protectant spray beforehand to minimise damage. We recommend the Aveda Brilliant Damage Control: This multitasking spray protects hair from heat damage, detangles, and adds shine. It is suitable for all hair types and can be used on wet or dry hair before using heat styling tools. 

Regular Trims

Regular trims are essential, even in winter. Cold weather can make your hair more prone to breakage and split ends. Schedule regular appointments at Mien for a trim to remove any damaged ends and keep your hair looking healthy and vibrant.
Don't let winter weather wreak havoc on your hair. By following these winter hair care tips, you can maintain healthy, hydrated locks all season long. At Mien Salon and Spa, our team of hair care experts is here to provide personalised advice and top-notch services to ensure your hair stays beautiful and nourished, regardless of the weather outside. Embrace the winter with confidence and let your hair shine brighter than ever before.

The People of Mien - Olivia


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